Antibiotics are one of the most potent remedies for bacterial infections. They eliminate bacteria before they cause more trouble.
However, some people do not know about the dangers of antibiotic resistance. They tend to use antibiotics like ordinary over-the-counter pills they can purchase from a Hospice Pharmacy.
When you use antibiotics for the wrong reasons, like taking them when you have no signs of infection, they will not work. The misuse will only strengthen the bacteria, making antibiotics useless when you eventually become infected, thus prolonging your illness and making you spend more money on treatment.
Antibiotics are not like pain medications from a Pharmacy in California that can solve your illnesses almost instantly. You have to follow the doctor’s prescription for them to become effective. Skipping a dose would invalidate your previous intakes – meaning you have to visit your doctor to know if you will have to restart all over.
As a Specialty Pharmacy in Northridge, California, we want to educate people on the correct usage of medicines. If you need any clarification on your doctor’s order, approach our pharmacists at Poly-Med Pharmacy; they will be willing to help.
Need Prescription Refills? Visit us at 17313 Roscoe Boulevard, Northridge, California 91325.